Software Integration and Development
STAR’s software developers have the expertise to evaluate various client requests to produce exclusive and innovative software solutions the utility can depend on.
Usage and Demand Tool
Built to assist engineers create engineering models. This tool queries customer billing data to produce an output file specifically formatted to import into the engineer modeling software.
Customized Digital Maps
STAR’s software developers and GIS analysts work together to create custom maps to assist operational staff with key tasks and provide consumers with critical outage information.
Broadband Subscriber
A platform-independent application was created to manage broadband and wireless subscribers. The application also manages components of the network technologies and authentication protocols.
Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) Integration
STAR has developed integration services for AVL providers. These services collect the necessary data to display real-time location information for vehicles equipped with AVL devices. This accessibility allows the utility to include these vehicle locations as symbols on outage maps and any other internal GIS systems.
STAR has developed standalone Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) integration middleware softwares to push real-time AVL data to any vendor. With any of these middleware integrations, utilities can show their vehicles on any OMS software or GIS system in real-time.
Supported Vendors:
GPS Insight
Verizon NetworkFleet
Verizon Connect Reveal